Category: Gym Basics
HIIT Vs Steady State Cardio: What’s better?
We drank till late last night. I know that’s not the best way to start a fitness article. But it’s true. As is the fact that the topic of this […]
Legs: What’s their role? How to train? Endurance Vs Strength?

We might be ignoring our biggest evolutionary advantage Legs — are half your body. Let that sink in for a bit. Then consider this. Legs are half your body. And carry all […]
Abs: What they are? How to build them? When will you see them?

Is there already a 6-pack, waiting to be revealed? And why do we all want one in the first place? So you want abs? That chiseled, hard, 2 by 3 matrix […]
Top 5 Gym FAQs — Answered

Duration. Sequencing. Reps. Rest. Nutrition. Last week, I wrote about defining your fitness goals to decide how much of Cardio Vs Weights you should be doing. While this week’s post […]
Cardio Vs Weights: What’s the right gym balance?

Part 1: Define fitness to define your fitness goals If you’re a regular reader of FITSHIT, you’d know that as of last week, I’ve started writing about Muscles. Having spent the first 3 […]
Whey Protein: Fit or Shit?

Walk into any gym nowadays and you’d find bulky bros gulping an ‘isolate shake’ right after their workout, trying to leverage that anabolic window that’s just opened up. Look around […]
Running: A Beginner’s Guide

“I want to be a runner. But I just don’t like running. How do I start?” First up – wrong question. You already are a runner. Just like you’re already […]